In the idyllic town of Taiping, lantern maker and head of the family, Choo, ruthlessly attempts to control the dreams and happiness of his three children, Isaac, Alex and Ruby, in order to pursue his own desires whilst maintaining some form of dignity. When the children begin to explore their own paths in life, an assumingly all-knowing father intervenes relentlessly, preventing them from realizing their dreams, ultimately plunging them into despair. With every decision forced against their wishes, Choo slowly tears apart the fragile fabric of the family with his own hands. When a tragedy befell Choo's wife Aileen, the family struggle becomes even more heart wrenching as the conflicts escalate.

Chew Kin Wah, Fabian Loo, Pauline Tan, Susan Lankester, Wilson Lee
117 Minutes

RAIN TOWN Show Times

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